
Multivariate extensions of isotonic regression and total variation denoising via entire monotonicity and Hardy-Krause variation
Billy Fang, Adityanand Guntuboyina, Bodhisattva Sen
Annals of Statistics. 2021. [Journal] [arXiv]

From Gauss to Kolmogorov: Localized Measures of Complexity for Ellipses
Yuting Wei, Billy Fang, Martin J. Wainwright
Electronic Journal of Statistics. 2020. [Journal] [arXiv]

On the risk of convex-constrained least squares estimators under misspecification
Billy Fang, Adityanand Guntuboyina
Bernoulli. 2019. [Journal] [arXiv]


Graduate student instructor, UC Berkeley


The following are personal notes and expository material for various courses and topics.


  • blfang à berkeley • edu